Binding - Deepinfra Folders

Binding - Deepinfra Folders
Binding - Deepinfra Folders

Deepinfra Folders Binding Documentation


The "Deepinfra Folders" Binding allows you to create a chatbot using a Deepinfra model and specify folders as the target. This binding enables the chatbot to interact with and retrieve information from the files stored within the specified folders, leveraging the capabilities of the Deepinfra model.


Setting Up the Deepinfra Folders Binding

  1. Select Binding Type:
    • In the "Type" drop-down menu, select "Deepinfra Folders".
  2. Select Deepinfra Model:
    • In the "Model" drop-down menu, choose one of the available Deepinfra models.
  3. Select a Folders Target:
    • In the "Target Folders" section, select a target of type "Folders" from the drop-down menu.
Setting Up the Deepinfra Folders Binding