Fair Use Policy

AI Binding software allows users to upload files to train their chabots. It also allows files to be made available as downloads from the File Manager. AI Binding plans have file upload limits and are also subject to a fair use policy for file storage.

Plan limits in AI Binding

Some of AI Binding plans offer have unlimited data storage and transfer. Each plan sets a maximum file size for video, audio and other files uploaded through AIBinding.com or the importer. The file size limit is per file, not per site. We don't limit the number of video, audio or other files added to your site.

Bandwidth limits for headless setups

When using AI Binding in a headless setup, you should download images and media locally as a part of your build process where possible. AI Binding plans come with the following bandwidth limits for serving assets outside of AI Binding's built-in front-end:

  • Basic - 1GB/mo

If you exceed these limits, a member of our support team might be in touch with you to talk about moving to a different plan or adjusting your usage.

Acceptable use of file storage

Unlimited file storage in AI Binding is provided for the normal purposes of running a AI Binding site. By this we mean that we will host images, audio, video and file downloads that support your content, or are the focus of your content business.

If you act in good faith, we're happy to host you.

Let's just talk about a few things that aren't OK:

  • You can't use AI Binding as a storage bucket for gifs that you're going to add to the message editor in an app you're building.
  • You can't use AI Binding as a home-brewed intranet or a back-office app for your bootstrapped startup.
  • You can't use AI Binding to store videos that you're actually going to embed on other sites.
  • AI Binding isn't your iPod. Don't rip your CDs and use us as a music locker.

tldr: if you're doing something that is usually done on DropBox, GoogleDrive or S3-you should probably use one of those products to do it.

Enforcement of fair use

They say it's better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission. Not in this case. If you think you're not acting in the spirit of fair use you're most likely not-but feel free to discuss your plans by emailing contact@aibinding.com before you get started. We may suspend sites which consistently or dramatically exceed these limits.