Binding - Gemini Basic Chat

Binding - Gemini Basic Chat
Binding - Gemini Basic Chat

Gemini Basic Chat Binding Documentation


The "Gemini Basic Chat" Binding allows you to create a chatbot using a Gemini model. This binding simplifies the process of integrating a conversational AI into your applications by leveraging the capabilities of the Gemini model. No additional target is required, making it straightforward to set up and deploy.


  • Set up a model of type "Gemini"

Setting Up the Gemini Basic Chat Binding

  1. Select Binding Type:
    • In the "Type" drop-down menu, select "Gemini Basic Chat".
  2. Select Gemini Model:
    • In the "Model" drop-down menu, choose one of the available Gemini models.
Setting Up the Gemini Basic Chat Binding