Binding - Qianfan Basic Chat

Binding - Qianfan Basic Chat
Binding - Qianfan Basic Chat

Qianfan Basic Chat Binding Documentation


The "Qianfan Basic Chat" Binding enables you to develop a chatbot using the Qianfan model. This binding simplifies the process of integrating conversational AI into your applications by leveraging the capabilities of the Qianfan model. No additional target is required, making it straightforward to set up and deploy.


Setting Up the Qianfan Basic Chat Binding

  1. Select Binding Type:
    • Choose "Qianfan Basic Chat" from the "Type" drop-down menu.
  2. Choose Qianfan Model:
    • From the "Model" drop-down menu, select the desired Qianfan model.
Setting Up the Qianfan Basic Chat Binding