Build a trained chatbot with your documents in 3 minutes

Build a trained chatbot with your documents in 3 minutes
Build a specialized chatbot from your documents in 3 minutes

Knowledge is stored in your documents. AI Binding allows you to train AI with documents and helps you resolve problems with a few simple clicks.




Login to the AI Binding platform and access the Getting Started page.

In the main menu, select Files.

Select Files in the main menu

Let's say we are going to add some existing documents related to IT Policy. In the File Manager, make sure the Root folder is selected, and then click the

Click Add Folder with Root is selected

In the Add Folder pop-up, enter "Policy" as the folder name.

Enter Policy as the folder name

Let's add a sub-folder "IT" under the newly created Policy. To do that, first, select the Policy folder.

Select the new Policy folder

Then click the "Add Folder" button. Enter IT as the name. Now, let's select the newly created IT folder on the folder tree.

Select the IT subfolder

Click Upload and select an "IT Policy" document which is in PDF format in our case.

Upload the IT Policy PDF document

After successful upload, the File Manager lists the file.

File manager lists the newly uploaded IT Policy PDF file

In the main menu, select Getting Started.

Select or register an AI Model. I have already registered OpenAI before and it is the only model I registered, so it is selected by default.

Make sure a Model is selected

With the Model selected, you can find the corresponding available Bindings. As I have OpenAI selected, let's select the binding OpenAI Files.

Select the Binding - OpenAI Files

With the Binding "OpenAI Files" selected, Step 3 is to customize the Target.

Customize the File Target

Under the Files section, let's click the "Add file" button under the Files section. It allows us to add one or more files. Let's select the file we just uploaded and name this file Target "IT Policy handbook".

Provide a name and select the File

Click the "Save" button in Step 3.

Saved the IT Policy handbook Target

Finally, let's click the "Construct AI Chatbot" button to create our customized chatbot.

Construct AI Chatbot

With the Chatbot created, we can now consider it as our IT helpdesk and look up some information. For example, we might ask about the password policy.

Have chatbot acts as our IT helpdesk

What you achieved in AI Binding...

In the past few minutes, you have just...

  1. added a folder and a sub-folder to categorize the files we are going to store.
  2. uploaded a file to be used to train generative AI.
  3. selected a registered Model.
  4. selected the OpenAI Files Binding.
  5. customized the "Files" Target and saved it for later use.
  6. constructed the AI Chatbot (and behind the scenes, a Project "Getting Started - OpenAI Files" is created for you).

What's Next

  • Access your specialized chatbot again without re-creating it.
  • Share your chatbot with others.
  • Embed your chatbot to your websites or enterprise applications.
  • Integrate the capability of generative AI with your enterprise applications through a simple API.