Share your chatbot with others

Share your chatbot with others
Share your chatbot with others

It takes only a minute or two to create a specialized chatbot in AI Binding. Once created, you can share it with your colleagues, empowering them to utilize AI without understanding how it was being set up.




Login to the AI Binding platform and access the Getting Started page.

In the main menu, select Projects.

AI Binding Projects

The Projects page shows you the project you created. Whenever you create a chatbot, a project is created behind the scenes. But as you might construct a chatbot and experience different setups, the Getting Started and Prompt projects are set to expire in 24 hours. To show these expired projects, check the Show Expired checkbox on the left-hand side.

Show expired AI Binding Projects

While the Getting Started page lets us quickly construct a specialized chatbot, it would be wise to rename it and unset the expiration date.

Here, we click the Action button of the project "Getting Started - OpenAI Files" and select Edit.

Edit the Project Details

It shows the Project details.

AI Binding Project Details

Let's rename the project as "IT Policy Chatbot" and clear the expiry date.

Rename the Project and clear the expiry date

Click OK to save the changes.

Immediately below the Project information section, you can find the section "Share your chatbot with others".

Lookup the Chatbot link

Here, you can right-click and copy the link and share it with others.

Once your colleagues receive the link and open it, they can interact with the chatbot right away.

Interact with a specialized Chatbot with a link

What you achieved in AI Binding...

Within a minute, you have just...

  1. unhide some quickly created chatbots.
  2. turn a Getting Started chatbot into a reusable chatbot.
  3. share the chatbot with your colleague with a special link.

What's Next

  • Secure the chatbot access.
  • Embed your chatbot to your websites or enterprise applications.
  • Integrate the capability of generative AI with your enterprise applications through a simple API.